La mayor gloria no es caer, sino levantarse siempre
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
Fuente / Source: |
Aprendí que el coraje no era la ausencia de miedo, sino el triunfo sobre él. El valiente no es quien no siente miedo, sino aquel que conquista ese miedo.
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Fuente / Source: |
Ya sé que este es un blog sobre maquillaje, cuidados faciales
y a veces hasta moda, pero Nelson Mandela está mucho más allá de eso -como politóloga no podía evitar dedicarle un espacio. Su vida y su legado son una inspiración para
toda la humanidad. Peleó en contra del
Apartheid en Sudáfrica, fue el primer Presidente negro de su país y tuvo el
coraje para dejar que su país desarrollara su democracia sin convertirse en el
líder vitalicio (muchos políticos latinoamericanos deberían aprender de esto),
y muy importante, nos enseñó que la paz es el camino.
I know this
is a blog about makeup, skincare, sometimes fashion but Nelson Mandela is above
all of that -as as a political scientist, I had to write at least a few lines about him. His life and his legacy is
an inspiration for all man-kind. He
fought against the Apartheid in South Africa, he became the first black
President of his country and he was brave enough to let South Africa develop
its democracy without having him as the eternal leader (seems quite a few Latin
American leaders should learn from that), and very important he also taught us
that peace is the way.
“Si quieres hacer las paces con tu enemigo, tienes que trabajar con tu enemigo. Entonces él se vuelve tu compañero”
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.
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